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Region Midtjylland - Steno Diabetes Center Aarhus

Clinical Researcher in adipose biology and cardiometabolic diseases at Steno Diabetes Center Aarhus, Aarhus University Hospital



Palle Juul-Jensens Boulevard 11, 8200 Aarhus N, Danmark

Region Midtjylland
ID: 2619087
Indrykket for 61 dage siden

Steno Diabetes Center Aarhus (SDCA) at Aarhus University Hospital (AUH) is recruiting a clinical researcher for a time limited position for two years. Starting date is August 1st 2024 or as soon as possible.

Job Description

SDCA brings together all aspects of diabetes treatment, clinical diabetes research and education under the same roof, thereby offering more integrated treatment in an environment with world-class scientists and physicians. 

We are seeking a highly motivated scientist within the field of metabolism and diabetes to develop initiatives within adipose biology and cardiometabolic diseases. The applicant must have experience with clinical experimental research, cell-sorting of human cells, and performing cellular analysis on human material. The applicant should have trained in leading diabetes research environments.

The fellow will develop and manage independent research activities within the field but also be expected to use up to 50% of the time to assist the leadership at SDCA (Head of Research and research leader) by tasks related to the research infrastructure at SDCA. These tasks may include, but are not limited to organizing procedures for tissue donations, including legal ensuring approvals, organizing seminars and courses. 

Selection criteria

  • Qualifications at PhD-level (candidates submitting their dissertation before the start of the employment and defending it in 2024 are also encouraged to apply)
  • Qualifications at MD-level authorized to work independently
  • Ambitions and plans to drive the field of adipocyte biology and diabetes forward
  • Excellent scientific track record in diabetes research
  • Experience in handling and analysing adipose tissue for research purposes
  • Experience in Fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS)
  • Good English communication skills, both written and verbal
  • An analytical attitude of devising innovative scientific or technical solutions
  • An enthusiastic, dedicated and collaborative attitude.


  • The successful candidate will be employed at SDCA
  • The holder of the position will primarily report to the head of research at SDCA 
  • The holder of the position is expected to interact with staff at all levels, both internally and externally, regarding relevant research topics. 

Highly motivated and ambitious candidates are encouraged to apply. Solid experience in functional genetic techniques within diabetes research, and an excellent track record within the research field will be considered a distinct advantage. In all cases, ability to perform the job will be the primary consideration, and thus we encourage all – regardless of their personal background and status – to apply.

Employment Conditions
The candidate will be employed in Central Denmark Region and place of employment will for the present be at AUH. Salary is in accordance with current agreement.

How to apply?
Candidates should systematically address the selection criteria in the cover letter. 

Deadline for application is Sunday June 9th. You can apply by using the link “Send ansøgning” below. Please attach application and CV etc.

We expect that interveiws will be held Thursday Juni 13th.

For further information regarding this position, please contact Head of Research Niels Jessen: [email protected] /  +45 2032 2561 

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Background – what is Steno Diabetes Center Aarhus
Central Denmark Region has established the SDCA with a donation from the Novo Nordisk Foundation of 1.4 billion DKK. SDCA will play a central role in increasing efforts in diabetes in both Central Denmark Region, nationally and internationally.

SDCA is consolidating as one of the world’s leading research environments in clinical diabetes research in collaboration with Aarhus University (AU), the other Steno Diabetes Centers and other Danish and International research environments; in this way, SDCA will play a pivotal role in diabetes research focused on new efforts in treatment and prevention.

The center is located at and organizationally a part of Aarhus University Hospital (AUH).


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