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Danish - for AI Trainer (Denmark)



Korsgade 11, 8500 Grenå, Danmark

ID: 2763708
Indrykket for 72 dage siden
Job Description

Key Responsibilities:

  • Educating AI: Analyze AI-generated outputs and provide detailed feedback to improve the model's accuracy, helping it apply its knowledge to real-world scenarios more effectively. Your insights will directly shape the model’s ability to understand and respond to complex challenges.

  • Problem Solving: Break down complex problems into manageable, step-by-step solutions and explanations. Guide the AI to better reason through these problems and learn how to approach them logically and systematically.

  • Red Teaming: Identify biases, inaccuracies, and limitations in the AI’s knowledge base. Design and execute tests to challenge the model’s boundaries, ensuring that its outputs are reliable, unbiased, and applicable to real-world use cases.

  • Continuous Improvement: Work closely with AI engineers and researchers to incorporate feedback and refine the AI’s performance. Help drive the ongoing development of AI systems, ensuring they evolve to meet user needs and real-world applications.



  • Native Proficiency in Danish: Must have native fluency in Danish with excellent writing skills, able to provide clear and constructive feedback on AI-generated outputs.

  • Residency in Denmark: Applicants must be residents of Denmark and have a deep understanding of local language, culture, and context.

  • Education: An Associate’s degree or higher from an accredited institution is required.

  • Professional Writing Experience: Previous experience in a writing-intensive role (researcher, journalist, technical writer, editor, etc.) is preferred but not required. Strong written communication skills are essential for this position.

  • AI Training Experience: While prior experience in AI-related tasks is preferred, it is not mandatory. We are open to candidates with a strong desire to learn and contribute to AI development.

Additional Information

100% remote opportunity.
Competitive per hour rate.

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