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Region Sjælland

Research position at Department of Clinical Immunology, Zealand University Hospital, Zealand Region



Ringstedgade 77, 4700 Næstved, Danmark

ID: 2596816
Indrykket for 83 dage siden

We have a vacant position as postdoc from 2024-06-01 to conduct a two-year study on 1) genetics and epidemiology of inflammatory bowel disease and related inflammatory conditions including the prediction of disease severity and the relation to dermatological and joint diseases in addition to 2) determining microRNA biomarkers in pancreatic cancer. The position is funded by Zealand Region Research Foundation.

The position is temporary and runs for two years. The position is 37 hours per week, with work hours between 08:00 – 15:24 on weekdays. However, the research project can also require that you work on evenings/weekends.

The position is at the Department of Clinical Immunology in Næstved. However, in 2025 we will move the department to Køge. The research is conducted as a part of the Danish Blood Donor Study and Copenhagen Hospital Biobank in close collaboration with the Clinical Research Unit, University Hospital of Southern Denmark, Aabenraa and Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research, University of Copenhagen.

The purpose of the position is to:

  • Identify of most discriminative factors in development of severe IBD based on cluster analysis of data extracted from electronic health records and registries.
  • Develop of an optimal sized genetic score for IBD disease prognostication for routine use.
  • Design and validate of an IBD predictive model for early patient stratification and tailored care.
  • Determine the occurrence of and risk factors for development of arthritis in individuals with inflammatory disease incl. gastrointestinal and dermatological diseases.
  • Finishing a microRNA plasma biomarker study on pancreatic cancer

The postdoc shall run the project, do data mining of health records in close interaction with clinicians, calculate polygenic risk scores, perform genetic epidemiological analyses, and publish the results. The postdoc is free to decide on and pursue specific research angles within the scope of these studies. The postdoc will collaborate with other researchers within the research group at the Department of Clinical Immunology, Zealand University Hospital, the DBDS study groups across Denmark, the University of Southern Denmark, and University of Copenhagen.

We have the following wishes for the candidate:

You have experience with the following:

  • Epidemiology
  • Genetics
  • Molecular biology
  • Statistical analyses in R or similar programs.

Your education and background:

  • A Ph.D. degree in medical or natural science preferably with focus on genetics, epidemiology, bioinformatics or similar fields.
  • At least one submitted or accepted first authorship in a relevant journal
  • Excellent collaborative skills
  • A positive and motivating attitude making you an excellent role model
  • Diligence and intellectual flexibility as required for an academic position
  • An open and positive mind that actively contributes to the infrastructure and the success of the research team

We offer you

- A position in a large organisation with around 120 employees, of whom 50 will be in Næstved.

- A workplace with many new challenges and a good work environment.

- A growing and international research environment within immunology, chronic inflammatory diseases, big data, and genetics.

- Highly qualified mentors within genetic epidemiology and immunology by professor Ole Birger Vesterager Pedersen

- An active research environment with three other postdoc’s, several Ph.D. students, and close collaborations with the DBDS research environment that currently include around 50 researchers and close connections to the top Danish and international research groups within genetics and epidemiology.

Om os

Den 1. januar 2024 fusionerede Sjællands Universitetshospital (SUH) med Nykøbing F. Sygehus (NFS). Som et af Danmarks største akutsygehuse driver og udvikler vi sygehusene i Køge, Roskilde og Nykøbing F. Vi har aktivitet på alle regionens sygehuse, og vi betjener alle regionens patienter med specialiserede sundhedsydelser samt tilbyder sundhedsydelser inden for 32 forskellige lægelige specialer.

Som Danmarks seneste universitetshospital søger vi at omdefinere tilgangen til, hvordan sundhedsfaglige ydelser leveres i regionen. Vi stræber efter at sikre lige sundhedstilbud for alle. Med øget fokus på uddannelse, forskning og innovation arbejder vi ud fra tankesættet om at bygge bro over afstande, etablere tværfaglige fællesskaber og bringe specialiseret behandling tættere på borgerne.

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